Erika Chalkley

Embodiment Educator, Somatic Coach and Meditation Teacher
Erika is an international embodiment educator, somatic coach and mindfulness/meditation teacher with over a decade’s experience in female empowerment. She is dedicated to helping women break free of ‘niceness’, so they can step into their own authority, live according to their own rules and fully share their talents with the world. Erika has helped hundreds of women across the globe gain greater freedom - from ex-untouchable communities in India to executive coaches in New York, from ‘neighbourhood mums’ and at-risk teens to prize winner authors and creatives. She is committed to both personal and collective transformation; and views embodied education as her activism. Her work draws upon the hard-won wisdom from over 10 years of devoted Buddhist practice, a career in challenging community development/social work in the UK and abroad, extensive somatic training with world-leading experts, and her own personal history of being far too bloody nice! Erika’s teaching blends scientific pragmatism and practicality, with soulfulness and myth, in the service of female liberation.

Recorded Sessions