Dr. Stephania Sciamano

Energy Surgeon devoted to Truth and Embodiment of Your Rich Genius

Dr Stephania Sciamano is an Energy Surgeon devoted to Truth and Embodiment of Your Rich Genius. She spent 9 years in private natural medicine practice before working exclusively with ambitious men and woman to increase Wealth, Vitality, and Energy in all its forms. The successful clients come who come into her practice are powerful, experienced Healers, Creatives, and Magicians – yet the illusive cap on their success is frustrating the hell out of them. She believes that powerful people experience a specific set of mental and physical symptoms at higher levels of success...which creates an energetic cap on your “Havingness”…and conventional solutions don’t work because they don’t address Wealth Consciousness, Masculine/Feminine Dynamics, the Dark Side of your Power, or how to how this relates to your Genius. Her protocol assesses, arrests, and then reverses the slide. Her clients calm their nerves, lose the mental slumps, become attractive again to themselves and their partners, and create reliable windfalls of cash –in their specific genius – without the crash.

Recorded Sessions