Brandon Bays
US born, Brandon Bays is the world’s leading authority on emotional healing and life transformation. born, Brandon Bays is the world’s leading authority on emotional healing and life transformation. She is recognized as one of the most dynamic, inspirational and innovative teachers in the field of personal growth and mind-body-healing. She is internationally known for her radically transformative work in the fields of cellular healing, emotional wellbeing and spiritual awakening, and is the pioneer of The Journey Method®.
It was in the face of adversity that Brandon discovered her true calling. Diagnosed with a large tumor, she embarked on a remarkable, soul-searching, transformational and liberating healing journey. It allowed her to heal from her tumor in just 6½ weeks, without drugs or surgery. In doing so, she uncovered a means to get direct access to the boundless healing potential that exists inside each of us, and developed a natural healing method that can help everyone. The process works on all levels of being – emotional, physical and spiritual.
She is the pioneer of The Journey Method, a practical and liberating tool for healing and awakening, and is dedicated to bringing healing and freedom to people around the globe.Brandon is an international bestselling author of several books, including The Journey, Freedom Is, The Journey for Kids, Consciousness: The New Currency and Living The Journey. She is dedicated to sharing her message and self-healing techniques with the world.